An occasional sampling of what’s catching the attention of folks at Landaas & Company
The adage “Sell in May and go away” combines with the vagaries of a presidential election in 2024. But basing investment strategies on timing maneuvers defies fundamental approaches for long-term investors. As an article on MarketWatch notes, “It’s a cute little saying, but with not a lot of substance behind it.”
Suggested by Art Rothschild
Just before its historical eclipse of 40000, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was assailed as “a terrible index” by the Wall Street Journal’s James Mackintosh. Mackintosh takes both clinical and cynical views of the storied index to show how “a small portfolio can easily miss major shifts in the market.”
Suggested by Dave Sandstrom
A mention on social media sparked a surge in trading reminiscent of the meme stock craze of a few years ago. As a Wall Street Journal article pointed out, the apparent reappearance of young online investors served as a reminder of the risks of investments driven by a fear of missing out.
Suggested by Kendall Bauer
Long considered “stodgy” and “sleepy and safe,” stocks in the utility sector have been more dynamic lately, Jason Zweig reports in the Wall Street Journal. “These dullest of all stocks have suddenly become a bet on the single flashiest area of the market: artificial intelligence.”
Suggested by Tom Pappenfus
Amid several all-time stock index highs so far this year, a research report by Carson Group, an investment industry consultant, points out that the power of momentum tends to cluster peaks together.
Suggested by Kyle Tetting
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(initially posted May 31, 2024)