Director of Operations

Samantha La Nuez

As Samantha La Nuez launched her career, information technology emerged that transformed how companies gathered, sorted and analyzed numbers. With the inquiring mind of someone who had a math teacher and librarian as parents, Samantha seized the opportunity to grasp how IT and financial accounting interacted.

“I wasn’t afraid to get my hands dirty. I wasn’t afraid to ask questions to understand what needed to be done,” Samantha says.

Her knack for leveraging new technology with standard accounting helped Samantha become a key contributor in the multibillion-dollar global conglomerate where she worked. She advanced at the company as she was tasked time and again to help teams integrate new acquisitions and divest spinoffs.

“I have enough knowledge of finance and IT to be dangerous on both sides,” she says.

In the process, Samantha became adept at figuring out how to align people and systems to most effectively get business done. At Landaas & Company, Samantha applies what she learned at a vast diversified organization to the business of serving investment clients.

“I’m always about creating a strong foundation to hold everyone up, to assist everyone. That’s where I really see myself helping,” Samantha says, “putting processes and procedures and foundational elements into the organization so everyone else can thrive for the clients.”

Samantha has master’s and bachelor’s degrees in accounting from Marquette University, where she met her husband, Dan. They live in Milwaukee. Samantha runs half-marathons, travels extensively and enjoys live music – everything from the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra to Summerfest. Among her charitable interests is the Kinship Community Food Center.