Compliance Associate

Ryan Hoffman

As he describes it, Ryan Hoffman’s job involves creative problem-solving. Much of his work is back-office, making extra sure that paperwork and processing not only are correct but can hold up to regulatory scrutiny. Not all of it’s predictable.

“It’s a lot of repetitive tasks, but also things getting thrown at you,” Ryan says. Which explains how Ryan’s work as a chef prepped him for his position at Landaas & Company.

Ryan’s training and experience in the culinary arts taught him to create detailed plans and carry them out and still be ready to roll with the unexpected and solve problems on the fly.

Also, Ryan is accustomed to working on close-knit teams, including the portrait photography business he ran with his wife, Patrice Gentile. The couple also operated pop-up restaurants and a food truck together in Milwaukee.

Ryan began pursuing a culinary career when he was in high school. He earned a degree at Kendall College, in Chicago, and worked at Chicago restaurants.

“I think it was the creativity,” Ryan recalls of what attracted him. “And I like to work with my hands.”

Lately, cooking is more Ryan’s hobby. Given the volatility of the hospitality industry, especially amid the pandemic, Ryan took an opportunity to join Landaas & Company, where he could work with Patrice again.

Ryan and Patrice live in Cudahy with two cats and a dog. Besides food, Ryan is passionate about films. He and Patrice met as teenagers working in a movie theater.