
Merri Quartullo

Merri Quartullo attributes her professional demeanor, in part, to birth order. She didn’t crave the spotlight growing up, she says. She preferred working behind the scenes to make a difference.

“I didn’t want to be in the front end of anything,” Merri says. “I was always very helpful, I would like to think. That’s probably being the fourth child (of five). You get kind of forgotten.”

But Merri is not forgettable. Combining a penchant for people and a knack for organization, Merri made an impact at a Milwaukee-area printing company where she led contributions in customer service, administration and fulfillment management. Her career of focusing on customers and attending to outcomes has continued at Landaas & Company.

“I just like getting to know our clients and making them feel comfortable and part of the process,” Merri says, “making them feel secure that we know what we’re doing and we’re handling their accounts really well.”

Merri grew up in New Berlin and lives there now with her husband, Tom. Outside of work, Merri enjoys helping friends and relatives, spending time with family – especially her three grandchildren – particularly in northern Wisconsin.