John Sandstrom headshot

Registered Representative

John Sandstrom

Just out of college, barely 22, John Sandstrom was in charge of 115 employees at an operation of one of the largest and fastest-growing companies in the world. His job was analyzing data and working with each and every employee to help them improve outcomes.

With a head for numbers and a way with people, John worked hard and rose quickly in the company. Even as he excelled, though, John’s heart was somewhere else.

“I wanted to go into finance. That was always in the cards for me,” John said. His epiphany came in college when he job-shadowed his dad, Dave Sandstrom, at Landaas & Company.

“I saw that in this profession you can take away one of the largest stresses many people have in life, which is financial safety,” John said. “Being able to explain to people how to manage their money the correct way and helping them achieve their financial goals was something that really stuck with me.”

John has a business degree in finance and marketing from Marquette University. He grew up in Brookfield. He enjoys playing golf and following all sports, especially the Packers and the English Premier League. He and his wife, Lauren, live in the Town of Brookfield with their dog, Oliver.