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Seeking balance amid volatility
“Despite recent volatility,” Kyle Tetting writes, “we have not seen much change in the long-term fundamental outlook.”
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Past Articles
Money Talk Quiz, June 2023
Each week, advisors on the Money Talk Podcast cover a range of developments affecting long-term investors. The Money Talk Quiz reviews some of their insights in a multiple-choice quiz. (Answers include links to further resources.) […]
Honoring and supporting women and girls
The Women and Girls Fund of Waukesha County raised a record $145,000 at its 39th annual luncheon honoring females of distinction. The nonprofit has distributed more than $1.6 million to nearly 100 local organizations focused on raising and supporting women and girls. […]
Celebrating summer, raising sums
Join Landaas & Company as we support the Urban Ecology Center’s ongoing work to connect people with nature – and one another. […]
Moving the goal posts to full retirement
By Joel Dresang The trickier question raised by governments extending the retirement age is the non-financial quandary of when should we call it quits and begin the next phase of our lives? Semantically, it’s the difference between when can we retire and when should we. […]
Money Talk Quiz, May 2023
A multiple-choice quiz based on recent Money Talk Podcast discussions. Answers link to more resources. […]
Positive signs amid “wall of worry”
By Kyle Tetting It’s hard to argue with the year-to-date success of the vast majority of investment categories. As I write this on April 26, broad measures of stocks like the S&P 500 had gained more than 6% with only a few trading days left in April. Similarly, less volatile measures like bonds have added half as much or more. While the gains are encouraging, I am struck by how pessimistic many of the headlines remain. “Markets climb a wall of worry,” the saying goes, and that seems especially true now, though investing from a place of worry is tough.