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Seeking balance amid volatility
“Despite recent volatility,” Kyle Tetting writes, “we have not seen much change in the long-term fundamental outlook.”
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Past Articles
Lower inflation, lower Social Security raise
The Social Security Administration says beneficiaries will get a raise of 3.2% beginning in January. […]
Interns: Da’Mariyona Strong and Sarah Zori
Meet Da’Mariyona Strong and Sarah Zori, students at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and interns at Landaas & Company. […]
2023 Investment Outlook Seminar Quiz
Test your awareness of the 2023 Investment Outlook Seminar. Take a 10-question multiple-choice quiz. You have nothing to lose, and the answers include links to further resources. […]
2023 Investment Outlook Seminar references
Information sources for 2023 Investment Outlook Seminar video
Skating through the latest uncertainty
By Kyle Tetting Amid strong returns through July, investors have finally felt weakness in the past couple of months as the looming shutdown returned uncertainty to the economic outlook. Taking a pause in the run-up is healthy, allowing investors to reassess positioning. But it also challenges investors who benefitted from heavier equity exposure earlier in the year. […]
Vigilance alone will not protect you
By Joel Dresang My phone rang at 11:06 on a Sunday night. I glanced at an unfamiliar number from an area code I didn’t recognize. Spam, I thought. So, I ignored it. Then it occurred to me that the call could be from a bank. Who but bank detectives would be trying to reach me now? […]