Each week in the Money Talk Podcast, Landaas & Company advisors offer insights for long-term investors. Try to answer the following questions, based on some of the recent Money Talk conversations.
In the Jan. 31 Money Talk Podcast, Dave Sandstromexplained that the Federal Reserve had a positive reason for pausing on its interest rate cuts. What reason did Dave refer to?
(Choose one.)
- Stock market gains
- Tax reductions
- Economic strength
- Trade balance
(See answer below.)
In the Jan. 31 Money Talk Podcast, Tom Pappenfus noted that the relationship between the 10-year Treasury yield and the earnings yield on the S&P 500 had recently done what for the first time in more than 20 years?
(Choose one.)
- Both yields rose to be equal
- Bonds yielded more than stocks
- Stocks yielded more than bonds
- Both yields fell to be equal
(See answer below.)
Noting in the Feb. 7 Money Talk Podcast that stocks broadly returned more than 20% in both 2024 and 2023, Art Rothschild suggested now is a good time for what?
(Choose one.)
- Gut check
- Required minimum distributions
- Retirement
- Claiming Social Security
(See answer below.)
Given heightened uncertainty over the possible effects of U.S. tariff policies, Mike Hoelzlsuggested in the Feb. 7 Money Talk Podcast that investors consider doing what?
(Choose one.)
- Doubling down on stocks
- Shifting most assets to fixed-income
- Taking gains and rebalancing portfolios
- Leaving their portfolios alone
(See answer below.)
In discussing high stock valuations in the Feb. 14 Money Talk Podcast, Steve Giles pointed to what trend that could help make stocks appear more affordable?
(Choose one.)
- Prices are dropping.
- Earnings are rising.
- Interest rates are rising.
- Inflation is rising.
(See answer below.)
As Kendall Bauer noted in the Feb. 14 Money Talk Podcast, 2022 was a historically bad year for bond investors. What comfort did Kendall mention as bond yields rise again in 2025?
(Choose one.)
- Bonds offer more cushion through higher coupons.
- Stocks are performing better.
- Further interest rate cuts from the Fed appear imminent.
- Prospects for stocks are better.
(See answer below.)
In the Feb. 21 Money Talk Podcast, John Sandstrom talked about the earnings report of which company, considered a bellwether for economic prospects?
(Choose one.)
- Apple Inc.
- Dow Inc.
- Procter & Gamble Co.
- Walmart Inc.
(See answer below.)
Suggesting that stocks may be overdue for a sell-off, Dave Sandstromnoted in the Feb. 21 Money Talk Podcast that the last time the S&P 500 sold off 10% or more was in October 2023. What did Dave say was the average frequency of such corrections?
(Choose one.)
- six to nine months
- eight to 10 months
- 12-14 months
- 18-24 months
(See answer below.)
In noting a recent rotation of investments away from growth-oriented stocks, in the Feb. 28 Money Talk Podcast, Adam Baley suggested investors consider what approach?
(Choose one.)
- Doubling down on stocks
- Rebalancing toward bonds
- Shifting most assets to fixed-income
- Leaving their portfolios alone
(See answer below.)
c) Economic strength
Learn more
- The Fed: What investors should know, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
- Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement, from the Federal Reserve Board
- Cautious optimism: A balancing act, by Kyle Tetting
b) Bonds yielded more than stocks
Learn more
- Bonds’ place in portfolios gets clearer, by Kyle Tetting
- Earnings yield: Valuing Stocks vs. Bonds, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
- Bond Yield and Return, from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
a) Gut check
Learn more
- Seeing how your equities are balanced, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
- Beginners Guide to Asset Allocation, Diversification and Rebalancing, from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
- Asset Allocation and Diversification, from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
c) Taking gains and rebalancing portfolios
Learn more
- When Should I …rebalance my portfolio?
- State of the balanced investor, a Money Talk Video with Adam Baley
- Investment balance: Find and keep, a Money Talk Video with Art Rothschild
b) Earnings are rising.
Learn more
- Valuing investments: Price-Earnings Ratio, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
- Earnings yield: Valuing Stocks vs. Bonds, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
- Stock valuations: Time to buy or sell? a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
a) Bonds have more cushion through higher coupons.
Learn more
- Bonds’ place in portfolios gets clearer, by Kyle Tetting
- Investor upsides as interest rates rise, a Money Talk Video with Kendall Bauer and Kyle Tetting
Bonds also face investment risks, A Money Talk Video with Tom Pappenfus
d) Walmart Inc.
Learn more
- What to make of earnings season, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
- When Is Earnings Season? from Investopedia
- How to Read an 8-K, from Investor.gov
c) 12-14 months
Learn more
- Volatility: Stock market vs. your portfolio, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
- Corrections: A normal part of investing, a 2015 Money Talk Video with Marc Amateis
- 5 Reasons to stay invested, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
b) Rebalancing toward bonds
Learn more
- Bonds’ place in portfolios gets clearer, by Kyle Tetting
- When Should I …rebalance my portfolio?
- State of the balanced investor, a Money Talk Video with Adam Baley