Each week in the Money Talk Podcast, Landaas & Company advisors offer insights for long-term investors. Try to answer the following questions, based on some of the recent Money Talk conversations.
Noting that stocks generally have performed above average the past couple of years,
Kendall Bauer suggested during the Dec. 6 Money Talk Podcast that investors consider doing which of the following?
(Choose one.)
- Sell before the markets fall.
- Nothing. Let the money ride.
- Check if your allocations still suit your plans.
- Buy more ahead of further gains.
(See answer below.)
In the Dec. 6 Money Talk Podcast, John Sandstrom commented on the popularity of news articles about converting traditional IRAs to Roth IRAs. Which of the following did John say about Roth conversions?
(Choose one.)
- They are not one-size-fits-all.
- They are best for investors born before 1961.
- They are good for everyone.
- They are not good for anyone.
(See answer below.)
In the Dec. 13 Money Talk Podcast, Mike Hoelzl explained how the U.S. dollar has remained strong compared to other currencies and what that meant for companies and investors. Which of the following is a possible reason for a strong dollar?
(Choose one.)
- Historically high U.S. inflation
- High U.S. trade deficits
- Perceived strength in the U.S. economy
- High U.S. stock valuations
(See answer below.)
In the Dec. 13 Money Talk Podcast, Tom Pappenfus discussed possible pauses as the Federal Reserve lowers interest rates. As Tom explained, what consolation can investors take from rates remaining higher longer?
(Choose one.)
- Bonds will yield more.
- Stocks will be cheaper.
- It will strengthen the economy.
- It will smooth the political transition.
(See answer below.)
At its December meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee lowered short-term interest rates for the third time in 2024. As Adam Baley noted in the Dec. 20 Money Talk Podcast, at the beginning of the year, how many times had analysts expected the Fed to lower rates?
(Choose one.)
- None
- One
- Five
- Seven
(See answer below.)
In the Dec. 20 Money Talk Podcast, Art Rothschild advised investors to keep their portfolios balanced, alerting them to what short-term disruption to stock allocations?
(Choose one.)
- Political uncertainty
- Volatility
- Higher-for-longer interest rates
- Geopolitical risk
(See answer below.)
c.) Check if your allocations still suit your plans.
Learn more
- State of the balanced investor, a Money Talk Video with Adam Baley
- When Should I …rebalance my portfolio?
- Seeing how your equities are balanced, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
a) They are not one-size-fits-all.
Learn more
- Retirement investing: Consider Roth
- Deciding which retirement accounts to tap, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
Safe investment withdrawals for retirees, a Money Talk Video with Art Rothschild - IRAs 101: What you need to know, from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
c) Perceived strength in the U.S. economy
Learn more
- What Do the Terms “Weak Dollar” and “Strong Dollar” Mean?, by Investopedia
- Over there: Investing in a global economy, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
- International Investing, from the Securities and Exchange Commission
How to Use International Stocks in Your Portfolios, by Morningstar
a) Bonds will yield more.
Learn more
- Investor upsides as interest rates rise, a Money Talk Video with Kendall Bauer
- Earnings and interest rates – and politics? by Kyle Tetting
- Bonds also face investment risks, a Money Talk Video with Tom Pappenfus
d) Seven
Learn more
- The Fed: What investors should know, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
- Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement, from the Federal Reserve Board
- Cautious optimism: A balancing act, by Kyle Tetting
- Time has come, Fed pivots focus, by Kyle Tetting
b) Volatility
Learn more
- Volatility: Stock market vs. your portfolio, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
- Focus on fundamentals to face volatility, a Money Talk Video with Steve Giles
- For What It’s Worth: Volatility