Money Talk Quiz, August 2024

Each week in the Money Talk Podcast, Landaas & Company advisors offer insights for long-term investors. Try to answer the following questions, based on some of those conversations.


In the special July 5 Money Talk Podcast on global investing, Adam Baley offered explanations for why U.S.-based investors would have a majority of their stock holdings in U.S.-based companies. Which one of the following WAS NOT on Adam’s list?

(Choose one.)

  1. Government stability
  2. Infrastructure
  3. Accounting practices
  4. Valuations

(See answer below.)


In the same July 5 Money Talk Podcast, advisors discussed the importance of including international investments in a balanced portfolio. Which one of the following did Dave Sandstrom cite as a boon to investors looking for such diversification?

(Choose one.)

  1. Corporate globalization
  2. Receding inflation
  3. Federal Reserve policies
  4. Increased tariffs

(See answer below.)


In the special July 12 Money Talk Podcast on midyear strategies, Art Rothschild explained how retirees should plan with their advisors on sources for spending money. Art recommended bringing a copy of which one of the following to the planning meeting?

(Choose one.)

  1. Credit card statements
  2. Tax return
  3. Checkbook
  4. Will

(See answer below.)


Also in the July 12 Money Talk Podcast, Steve Giles said that having a plan can help take the emotions out of investment decisions. Which one of the following did Steve identify as a component of the best plans?

(Choose one.)

  1. Deadlines
  2. Precise dollar goals
  3. Flexibility
  4. Panic buttons

(See answer below.)


In the July 19 Money Talk Podcast, Tom Pappenfus advised Investors to be patient while the Federal Reserve Board considers when to lower interest rates. What was a benefit Tom mentioned that stems from having higher rates longer.?

(Choose one.)

  1. Higher interest rates raise the value of stocks.
  2. They keep stock prices lower.
  3. They boost savings yields.
  4. They lower the risk of recession.

(See answer below.)


In the July 26 Money Talk Podcast, Kendall Bauer noted that the S&P 500 index had recently closed dramatically lower even as a majority of its components rose. What lesson did Kendall say investors should take from that occurrence?

(Choose one.)

  1. Broad indexes can be deceiving indicators.
  2. It’s always better to own individual stocks.
  3. Don’t ever invest in index-based funds.
  4. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a superior gauge of the stock market.

(See answer below.)



d. Valuations

Learn more

International Investing, from the Securities and Exchange Commission

How to Use International Stocks in Your Portfolios, by Morningstar


a. Corporate globalization

Learn more

International Investing, from the Securities and Exchange Commission

How to Use International Stocks in Your Portfolios, by Morningstar


b. Tax return

Learn more
Deciding which retirement accounts to tap, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom

Retirement spending: Safe rates, a Money Talk Video with Art Rothschild
Safe investment withdrawals for retirees, a Money Talk Video with Art Rothschild

Selecting Retirement Payout Methods, from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority


c. Flexibility

Learn more

Why investments outperform their investors, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting

Finding direction in the fundamentals, by Kyle Tetting


c. They boost savings yields.

Learn more

Investor upsides as interest rates rise, a Money Talk Video with Kendall Bauer and Kyle Tetting

The Fed: What investors should know, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom


  1. Broad indexes can be deceiving indicators.

Learn more

The Stock Market’s Breadth Is Improving. Why It Matters, from Barron’s

Investor optimism beyond Dow 40,000, by Kyle Tetting

Market Breadth: Definition, Indicators, and How Investors Use It, from Investopedia

Volatility: Stock market vs. your portfolio, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting