Category: Investing

  • Mutual Fund 101 – Introduction

    In an introduction to our Mutual Fund 101 series, Adam Baley talks about a convenient investment vehicle for building diversified portfolios. […]

  • Making the most of mutual fund fees

    Essential to the success of an investment is how much its costs eat into returns. In a MONEY TALK VIDEO, Isabelle Wiemero explains why mutual fund investors must mind the fees they pay for their funds – and also how some fund expenses can be money well-spent. This is the latest installment in the Mutual…

  • Mutual Fund 101 Quiz

    Test your knowledge of mutual fund investing and link to our Mutual Fund 101 educational videos. […]

  • Mutual Fund 101 – Money Talk Videos

    Among the scores of Money Talk Videos that Landaas & Company has produced to help individuals better understand investing, a number have covered various aspects of owning mutual funds. We have some suggestions for learning more about mutual funds. View the videos in the order suggested or skip around. […]

  • Narrowing the selection of mutual funds

    Selecting from among 8,000 mutual funds relies first on the particular needs of the investor, Kyle Tetting says. Then, sorting focuses on three main attributes. Kyle explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]

  • Why dividends matter to investors

    Stock dividends provide investors with income in addition to the capital gains they receive from price appreciation. And even when stock prices don’t rise, dividends can boost an investment’s total return, as Adam Baley explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]

  • Investing for retirement income

    With low interest rates and no raises in store for Social Security benefits in 2016, Dave Sandstrom advises retirees to seek more investment income from the stock side of their balanced portfolio. In a MONEY TALK VIDEO, Dave says leaning a little more on capital gains shouldn’t be too much of a stretch. […]

  • Investment results: Success or luck?

    Attribution analysis uses past performance in investments to help show how much of a fund’s results can be based on the approach of the fund managers. As Kyle Tetting explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO, attribution is a sophisticated way of testing a manager’s potential. […]

  • Retirement saving: Which IRA?

    By Adam Baley Retirement savings accounts such as IRAs offer tax advantages that can boost your investment returns. Understanding the differences between traditional and Roth IRAs opens up planning opportunities and helps you find the right combination of investment vehicles for your retirement plan. […]

  • Investment insights via Snapshot

    Tom Pappenfus shows in a MONEY TALK VIDEO how a Morningstar portfolio snapshot can help track the mix of stocks and bonds that drives investment performance. […]