Category: Investing
Challenging the rules on rules of thumb
By Kyle Tetting One area where rules of thumb miss the nuance of the individual investor is in ballparking how much retirement income investments can produce. […]
Staying active as conditions change
Active management offers flexibility not allowed in less-expensive index-tracking passive funds. The latitude that active managers have for managing risk as well as for adjusting to market fluctuations and changes in the business cycle make such funds a valuable component in a balanced investment portfolio. […]
Investing for (unplanned) early retirement
For whatever reasons retirees reach the end of their work lives—whether early or on plan, trusting sound investment practices is key, Dave Sandstrom says. […]
How to handle fears of recession
As concerns of economic slowdown gather, Bob Landaas and Kyle Tetting tell investors how to balance their life’s savings to weather the storm—whenever it comes. Bob and Kyle discussed the difficulty of forecasting recessions in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]
Selections important to your investments
In a MONEY TALK VIDEO from the 2018 investment seminar, Kyle Tetting explains how selection helps make a difference in portfolio returns. […]
Singling out concerns in your investments
Technology helps make divestiture easier, but as Kyle Tetting explains in a MONEY TALK VIDEO, investors also have other factors to weigh. […]
How to use the Morningstar web portal
Kyle Tetting, research director of Landaas & Company, shows investors in a MONEY TALK VIDEO how to make the most of updated features in the secure client web portal from Morningstar. New looks and functions are aimed at giving clients more control in checking up on their investments portfolios and drilling down to the details.…
Rebalancing: Better safe than sorry
By Joel Dresang I get it. Rebalancing was wise. Still, the process was a bit unnerving for me. And it didn’t help that I did the math. […]
Deciding which retirement accounts to tap
In a Money Talk Video, Dave Sandstrom explains the differences among various retirement accounts.
Valuing Investments: Price-Earnings Ratio
The price-earnings ratio helps put an objective value on investments, as Dave Sandstrom explains in a Money Talk Video.