Category: Financial Planning

  • How to be safer online: Computer use

    Tips on how to protect personal financial information in a MONEY TALK VIDEO. […]

  • Don’t let ID thieves get your money too

    By Joel Dresang My experiences with identity theft offer warnings and reassurances about the latest compromise of personal data. […]

  • Minimizing losses away from home

    By Joel Dresang While one absconded with my card, the other sneaked a read of my PIN. […]

  • Kids: Why can’t they be like we were?

    By Joel Dresang A primal mission throughout the ages has been to make the next generation better off. For eons, our forebears have sacrificed – crossed oceans, endured hardships, surrendered lives – for our benefit. You don’t have to look far to see examples of such efforts every day. And yet, only 37% of Americans…

  • Look (and scrutinize) before you leap

    By Joel Dresang Scrutinizing is important, but sitting on your hands is more the point. […]

  • Gender gaps in financial literacy

    By Joel Dresang Even with a greater role in family finances, women collectively have shown less confidence and lower scores in financial literacy. […]

  • Retirement: Thinking about spending

    Although retirement is the most expensive purchase we’ll ever make, only 34% of workers have estimated their retirement expenses.

  • Rebalancing: More investing, less emotion

    A strategically balanced investment portfolio is a moving target. The optimal balance can shift with individual circumstances or asset performance. In a MONEY TALK VIDEO, Steve Giles explains how occasional rebalancing can help investors more objectively consider when and how to readjust their holdings. […]

  • Putting housing in its place

    By Joel Dresang Think of your home as your castle, not your bank. […]

  • When Should I …rebalance my portfolio?

    Consider rebalancing whenever your asset allocations stray significantly from your long-term strategy.