Category: Financial Planning

  • Year-end IRA tidying

    The end of the year is a good time for wise investors to take the opportunity to review, among other things, their retirement accounts. To help you consider what to do about your IRAs (Individual Retirement Arrangements), Debi Rybicki answered some frequently asked questions.

  • College Finance

    Some common vehicles for helping cover higher education costs: Coverdell Accounts Tax-deferred investment growth for education expenses Pros – Can be used for K-12 costs too, wide investment choices Cons – non-deductible contributions limited to $2,000 a year, restricted to income limits ($110,000 for a single tax filer; $220,000 for a married couple in 2015)…

  • Knowing The Number

    By Brian D. Kilb A few years back, I visited with a prospect who asked (based on The Number from his accumulated savings) how much he might expect to draw in retirement.  The figure I gave him was less than he hoped for, and the meeting ended right there. When I walked him to the…

  • Rolling over retirement plans

    By Kyle Tetting It is no secret that today’s workers overall are not staying with their employers as long as they used to. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median tenure for workers in 2012 was 4.6 years. With all that moving around, many investors leave behind their employer-sponsored retirement plan.  While it is…