MT Quiz

Each week in the Money Talk Podcast, Landaas & Company advisors offer insights for long-term investors by discussing the financial markets. Try to answer the following questions, based on some of those conversations.


In the July 28 Money Talk Podcast, when Kendall Bauer suggested “taking chips off the table,” to what was he referring?

(Choose one.)

  1. Withdrawing from the stock market
  2. Strategically selling some shares to trim gains
  3. Withdrawing from the bond market
  4. Strategically moving cash from the sideline

(See answer below.)


In the July 28 Money Talk Podcast, Adam Baley said the Federal Reserve Board may already have hit its 2023 target for the federal funds rate. In his explanation, how did Adam describe the interest rate?

(Choose one.)

  1. The rate the Fed charges consumers for loans
  2. The rate the Fed charges borrowers from other countries
  3. The rate the Fed charges banks for overnight loans
  4. The rate banks charge the Fed for loans

(See answer below.)


Discussion during the Aug. 4 Money Talk Podcast, included the downgrading of U.S. debt by Fitch Ratings. Which of the following did Art Rothschild identify as the biggest concern for investors from the downgrade?

(Choose one.)

  1. Long-term need to address debt levels
  2. Short-term reaction from the bond market
  3. Long-term reaction from the stock market
  4. Short-term need to address extreme partisanship

(See answer below.)


Following the Fed’s interest rate increases, lower-risk short-term fixed-income investments have their highest returns in years. In the Aug. 4 Money Talk Podcast, Steve Giles explained how those higher yields incentivize which of the following moves by investors?

(Choose one.)

  1. Increasing allocations to stocks
  2. Balancing their portfolios
  3. Planning their estates
  4. Decreasing allocations to bonds

(See answer below.)


In the Aug. 25 Money Talk Podcast, Tom Pappenfus noted that although overall inflation rates have fallen from 40-year highs last summer, one lagging measure could lower inflation even further. What category of prices did Tom discuss?

(Choose one.)

  1. Gasoline
  2. Housing
  3. Used cars
  4. Air fare

(See answer below.) 


In the Aug. 25 Money Talk Podcast, Mike Hoelzl explained one dramatic way that higher interest rates from the Fed have affected many people. What did he talk about?

(Choose one.)

  1. Housing affordability
  2. Credit card debt
  3. Student loan payments
  4. Yields on cash

(See answer below.)



b. Strategically selling some shares to trim gains

Learn more
Capital gains distributions, by Tom Pappenfus
Seeing how your equities are balanced, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
Beginners Guide to Asset Allocation, Diversification and Rebalancing, from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission


c. The rate the Fed charges banks for overnight loans

Learn more
The Fed: What investors should know, a Money Talk Video with Dave Sandstrom
Fed Functions: Conducting Monetary Policy, a video from the Federal Reserve
How bonds fared as Fed has raised rates, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting


a. Long-term need to address debt levels

Learn more
Brinkmanship challenges investor resolve, by Kyle Tetting
Separating politics from portfolios
, by Joel Dresang
Making financial sense of “breaking news,” 
a Money Talk Video with Art Rothschild
Federal Debt Limit Myths vs. Factsfrom the Bipartisan Policy Center


b. balancing their portfolios

Learn more
When Should I …rebalance my portfolio? by Art Rothschild
Seeing how your equities are balanced, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
Wondering where your portfolio fits, by Kyle Tetting


b. housing

Learn more
Housing Prices and Inflation, from the White House Council of Economic Advisors
Inflation: Nuances matter for investors, by Kyle Tetting
Inflation can cut both ways for retirees, by Joel Dresang


d. Yields on cash

Learn more
Investor upsides as interest rates rise, a Money Talk Video with Kendall Bauer and Kyle Tetting
Finding a better place for our cash, by Joel Dresang
Responding to the calm of summer, by Kyle Tetting

(initially posted Aug. 31, 2023)

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