Dollar Question

Each week in the Money Talk Podcast, Landaas & Company advisors offer insights for long-term investors by discussing the ever-changing circumstances of the financial markets. Try to answer the following questions, based on some of those conversations.


Stocks broadly turned up in October, even in the midst of an overall bear market. The rally within a swoon prompted Tom Pappenfus (in the Oct. 28 Money Talk Podcast) to offer investment advice that can best be summed up by which adage?

(Choose one.)

  1. It’s all about earnings and interest rates.
  2. The stock market climbs a wall of worry.
  3. It’s not timing the market but time in the market.
  4. Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched.

(See answer below.)


Following the Bank of England’s announced increase of interest rates, Dave Sandstrom and Adam Baley discussed how the rest of the world was lagging U.S. efforts to combat inflation. What consequence did they mention in the Nov. 4 Money Talk Podcast?

(Choose one.)

  1. Increased sell-offs of U.S. Treasurys
  2. Continued strength in the U.S. dollar
  3. Keener interest in U.S. stocks
  4. Pressure on the Federal Reserve to let other central banks catch up

(See answer below.)


Broad losses in stocks in 2022 have presented a rare opportunity for some investors, as Kendall Bauer and Steve Giles explained in the Nov. 11 Money Talk Podcast. What did they say they’ve been exploring with many of their clients.

(Choose one.)

  1. Selling funds at a loss to offset previous gains passed through to other funds.
  2. Cutting losses by cashing out of equity funds and shifting into fixed-income holdings.
  3. Selling off bond funds to reposition into stock funds now that they’re cheaper.
  4. Moving more of their assets to cash until the bear market has recovered.

(See answer below.)


“If you don’t know why it goes up or down, you shouldn’t be involved in it,” was advice offered by Mike Hoelzl in the Nov. 18 Money Talk Podcast. While understanding your investments is wise in general, what recent news item specifically prompted Mike’s admonition?

(Choose one.)

  1. Federal Reserve governors warning of further pain from rate hikes
  2. Elon Musk’s $44 billion takeover of Twitter
  3. Bankruptcy filing of FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange
  4. Sentencing of Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes

(See answer below.)



c. It’s not timing the market but time in the market.

Learn more
Why investments outperform their investors, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
Good things come to investors who wait, by Joel Dresang
For What It’s Worth: Volatility, by Joel Dresang


b. Continued strength in the U.S. dollar

Learn more
Economic SnapChart: Strong Dollar, by Paige Radke
The dollar’s mark on international funds, a Money Talk Video with Marc Amateis
Over there: Investing in a global economy, a Money Talk Video with Kyle Tetting
International Investing, from the Securities and Exchange Commission


a. Selling funds at a loss to offset previous gains passed through to other funds.

Learn more
Plan now for year-end investment moves, a special Money Talk Podcast
Capital gains distributions, by Tom Pappenfus
How to harvest tax losses in pursuit of portfolio efficiency, from Capital Group


c. Bankruptcy filing of FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange

Learn more
Thinking about buying the latest new cryptocurrency or token? from
Investment risk, explainedfrom the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
Cryptocurrencies, from FINRA
Market Risk: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

(initially posted Nov. 23, 2022)

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