To be a successful investor, it helps to think like Wayne Gretzky.

Bob Landaas cited hockey’s “The Great One” to explain how it’s essential not to focus on where the puck is but to anticipate where it’s going.

“When you invest in the markets, it isn’t about today. It’s not about tomorrow, not even about the end of the year,” Bob told clients gathered for the 2023 Investment Outlook Seminar. “What the pros do is look into next year and the year after and the year after that.”

In-person for the first time since the COVID-19 outbreak, the seminar attracted hundreds of investors to two sessions in September at the Ingleside Hotel in Pewaukee. A Money Talk Video of the event, edited by Jason Scuglik, is available by clicking here or the image above.

Bob provided an overview of recent trends in the financial markets and the global economy. He shared his anticipation of where the puck is going, as it relates to long-term investors.

Among the topics Bob discussed are the Federal Reserve’s efforts to control inflation without plunging the U.S. economy into recession, the strength of the economy and its prospects and the performance of and prospects for the financial markets.

Kyle Tetting followed Bob, offering more specifics, including:

  • the importance of household balance sheets
  • potential for stocks broadly when trading is concentrated and the market is “a little pricey”
  • and how to position for bonds at a time when they have become more attractive.

Kyle’s presentation is included in the video. So is Dave Sandstrom’s. Dave updated everyone on changes to federal rules for certain retirement accounts.

A separate article highlighting Dave’s remarks is available here.

Click here for a Money Talk Quiz

(based on the seminar material, featuring multiple-choice questions and answers that include links to more information).
